
The famous scholar of mining, Georg Agricola, in his 1549 work on “Creatures Underground” (De animantibus subterraneis) took a zoological approach to “daemones”. He classifies them as either “unfriendly” or as “peaceful subterranean spirits”. Those of the first category provide a “wild and terrifying sight and are hostile toards miners”. In the mine at Annaberg one of these spirits is said to have killed 12 miners with his exhalation welling out of his throat. He was described as having a long neck and fierce eyes. “Spirits of this sort” are “harmful and wicked by nature”.
In the nave of a church there is no space for any spirit (except the Holy Ghost); therefore a door handle in the shape of a tiny dragon is attached to the outside of the golden portal of the cathedral. The dainty beast shall drive off spirits and demons and protect the cathedral from evil powers.