Herrnhuter Hearts

Die Herzen schmecken nicht nur, wieder einmal symbolhaft sind sie halb weiß bepinselt für die Reinheit, halb rot für das Blut Christi.

250 g butter
1 egg yolk (of a medium egg)
120 g sugar
100 g peeled ang ground almonds
280 g wheat flour (plus flour for rolling out the dough)

Filling and Decoration
220 g raspberry jam
100 g icing sugar
1 lemon (juice)
50 split or whole peeled almonds

cling film
heart-shaped cookie cutter
backing paper
backing tray

1. For the shortcrust mix butter, a pinch of salt, egg yolk and sugar. Add almonds and flour and knead quickly into a dough. Shape the dough into the form of a flat brick, wrap it in cling film and cool it for at least one hour.
2. Preheat the oven (190 °C/180°C fan/2-3 gas). Briefly knead the dough, roll it out on a floured worktop (3 mm thick) and cut out hearts (5 cm). Place the cookies on the baking tray covered with baking paper. Knead and roll out the leftovers, adding as little four as possible, until the dough is used up. You may have to cool the dought again between turns.
3. Bake the cookies, one tray at a time, in the preheated oven for 8 -10 minutes until they are light brown.
4. For the filling pass the jam through a sieve, keep aside two tea spoons of jam for decoration. Cover the back side of half the hearts with jam, put together one heart with jam and one without and press them together carefully.
5. For the decoration mix the icing sugar with 3-4 table spoons of lemon juice; mix into a smooth, thick icing. Cover one half of a heart; add the raspberry jam to the rest of the icing and cover the other half of the heart. Put an almond onto the icing while still wet. Allow the cookies to dry overnight. Store them in an air-tight container.