I am the vine; you are the branches. (John XV, 5)

The genealogical tree in the shape of a vine mentions – besides several German and European place names – a considerable number of exotic cities and countries from allover the world: Calcutta 1782, Algiers 1739, America 1734. The vine has been depicted in a copper engraving owned by the Museum of Local History at the Bohemian village in Berlin-Rixdorf.
It was a particular ambition of the Herrnhut community to spread their faith in the world. A potter from Franconia and a Moravian carpenter were the first missionaries sent out from Herrnhut on August, 21st 1732. The missionaries who since went into the world from Herrnhut saw themselves as on a par with local people – in accordance with their strict command of equality. They took an interest in local rites and customs and studied the indigenous languages. Until today the Herrnhuter are therefore held in high regard in the areas they proselytised.